There Are Venues For Weddings in Seattle ~ And Then There Are Hidden & Remarkable Venues....

There Are Venues For Weddings in Seattle ~ And Then There Are Hidden & Remarkable Venues.... Lee and Dawn Mitchell ~ Hotel 1000
Seattle, Washington

Lee and Dawn celebrated their marriage with 150+ family and friends at one of my most favorite hotel venues in downtown Seattle for a wedding ceremony and celebration ~ Hotel 1000.

This couple's wedding ceremony and celebration was all about elegance, sophistication and fun. I have officiated at Hotel 1000 a number of times over the years and this property and their staff consistently delivers for a couple in all ways (and no, I'm not plugging this for money, fame or fortune!)

Lee and Dawn were smart to select Hotel 1000 for their wedding day. It "felt" like them and when it comes to a venue selection, that's what it is all about ~ selecting a venue that reflects your taste, sense of adventure and humor and most of all, a venue that is known for having a staff that truly cares about a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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