Three Important Things A Wedding Officiant May Tell You That Aren't Necessarily True...

Three Important Things A Wedding Officiant May Tell You That Aren't Necessarily True... The Wonderful Tim and Karen Grimm
March 29, 2008, Monte Villa Farmhouse, Bothell, WA

In this work that I do, I attempt to be as transparent as possible. It's not every day that a couple "shops around" for an Officiant and selecting someone to share in a very vulnerable and intimate moment is a "big deal," if I may be so blunt and bold.

So, here are three things that you may hear from an Officiant - and if you do, I beg to differ:

"Trust me/I promise, I have a back-up." Right - on some of the fullest/busiest wedding days of the wedding season, if an Officiant has a crisis and can't be at your wedding, you may have a big challenge. I have been very fortunate and have been at every wedding of mine for the past six years. And one day, if I do this work long enough, I know there is going to be a problem. On many of the less busy days, an Officiant most often will have a back-up. On those very popular Fri/Sat and Sun times during the summer, this is much less so. I have a few additional strategies that I share with my couples that work and bring comfort.

"No paperwork needed." Get an agreement with your Officiant in writing. If an Officiant doesn't offer you a signed agreement, look elsewhere. Professionalism is key here and you want peace of mind that you are fully contracted for your date/time.

"No, no microphone needed." If you are having more than 50 guests, please consider using a microphone or similar amplification system, especially if you are outdoors. Often, beyond the fourth row or so, people can't hear as well and there is nothing that is more disappointing than attending a ceremony and not fully enjoying the words/rituals/moments.

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Title: Lost Battalion - 3

3 of 9 Parts -
On October 2nd, 1918, units of the 77th "Liberty" Division from New York advanced into the dense terrain of the Argonne Forest in France. History was made over the next 6 days as this unit, the "Lost Battalion", refused to surrender even though they were completely surrounded, constantly attacked, low on ammunition and supplies, had no food, shelter and limited access to water. Of the over 600 men first trapped in the "pocket", only around 200 walked out. They received 3 Congressional Medal of Honors (CMO), many Distinguished Service Crosses (DSC), and many other awards. Their leader, Major Whittlesey, was declared one of the three most important members of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) by General Pershing, Commander of the AEF. Two airmen received CMO's for their involvement in the event, the first attempted air resupply drop in military history. Others trying to releive the battalion also received the DSC. A carrier pigeon, Cher Ami, received international acclaim for heroically delivering a message. A movie of the event was made in 1919, and scores of books on the subject make it one of the most analyzed military actions in history. If that was not enough, Major Whittlesey committed suicide in 1921, and controversy has swirled around the event for over 80 years. A&E recently produced a new "Lost Battalion" movie, hopefully bringing new interest to this fascinating piece of American Military history.
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Title: Counting Calories- How many calories YOU should eat to lose weight (for fat loss)

The biggest dietary question I receive is: how many calories should I be consuming for my body? Well in both my free fat loss programs, my male and female programs I go much more into depth about how activity, BMR, age, height and other factors influence how many calories you should consume. For now you have to watch this video:

There are problems with counting calories. If you commit these errors, you can count till the sheep come home and it won't make a DIFFERENCE. The three major problems with calorie counting are: its a poor estimate at best, it causes you to focus on quantity not quality of calories and it detracts from other important factors for your weight loss success.

There are three problems with counting calories.

1. Its a poor estimator
We don't know the true value of calories, they are all estimates. Two eggs differ in size. Yet they still count for the same calories. Even when you weigh something with a kitchen scale, if you are off by 1 gram it adds up, 1 gram is 10 calories, do that enough times and you can be way off. On top of that food manufacturers estimate the amount of calories in their food, its not a concrete number. Big food chains

2. A calorie isn't a calorie.

People focus on quantity instead of quality and this is bad practice. Just because something is artificially sweetened with 0 calories (like a protein bar) doesn't mean those calories are the same as say cooked egg whites. Put another way, 100 calories of cheeseburgers will have a much different effect on your body than 100 calories of chicken breast. Focus instead on calorie of calories always.

3. Small things vs important things

You focus on the minute details instead of the larger picture. In other words you don't see the forest from the trees. Yes its good to know you are roughly eating 1500 calories per day, but how many hours did you exercise? Put another way, if you overeat by a hundred calories because you didn't count you can burn that by fifteen minutes of additional exercise. Put ANOTHER way, the same time allotted towards CALCULATING your calories can be used towards burning MORE calories. If you aren't exercising enough, eating proper foods and distressing your life, you can count as many stocks of celery as you want but you won't achieve your dream figure.

I've trained many people into awesome shape and everyone is different. I've trained figure competitors to competition WITHOUT them counting calories. Of course if you have no idea what you should be eating or how much, its a good idea to track your calories just to get a ball park estimate. Just remember to focus on whats holding you back, go for quality and success will follow. And thats what really counts.

Chef Buff out.

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