Brian and Marjan's beautiful Inter-faith wedding ceremony at The Rainier Club wove together tradition and ritual from the Jewish and Perisan traditions. Brian and Marjan worked with me to create a robust wedding ceremony that celebrated Marjan's Persian heritage and Brian's Jewish background.
Jen and Jody - - were shooting family photos when I arrived to coordinate all pre-ceremony details. I fumbled for my camera in my bag and took this photo - and I like it! It shows Jen and Jody doing what they do so well and captured my happiness in the moment to be a part of such a magnificent ritual!
Related Site
-Wedding Magnets
-Wedding Website
Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.
Short summary of some of the highlights of a holiday in South Africa in January 2009
جنایات کانادائی ها برای جهانیان از روزی آشکار شد که در سال ۱۳۶۹ سرگُرد نُورحقیقی به سازمان ملل مُتحد اطلاع داد و سپس با سایت ها و ویدئوها آنها را یکی بعد از دیگری بر ملا ساخت. این ویدیو شمار ه ۲ از توطئه تورنتو را بر ضد نیویورک نّشان میدهد قبل از ۹۱۱ ِنیویورک خوشحال وثروتمند بود و تورنتو فقیر وکثیف ؛ امّا توطئه باعث شد صدها شرکت بزرگ به تورنتو منتقل شود
This is part 2 of serial videos titled "Canada Sucks" showing Iranian rich community in New Your before 911 & very Poor Canadian living with Bedbugs & Toxic Mold in dirty Toronto Condominium 935 at 456 College Street; Apt # 608
Director & Editor in Cheaf: Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
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