Including Your Beloved Fido In Your Wedding Ceremony...and Day!

Including Your Beloved Fido In Your Wedding Ceremony...and Day! Wedding Dogs Everywhere!

Because I am devoted to animals and spend alot of my free time working in dog rescue and rehabilitation, I absolutely love it when a couple includes their pooch(es) in their wedding ceremony.

Over the weekend, I met with Graham and Chrystal, whose wedding I will now be happily officiating on August 7th, and had the marvelous opportunity to meet their canine kids who were in their truck.

Truth? At a wedding ceremony kids and dogs bring such joy. They can't do anything wrong. Include your beloved companion animal in your ceremony and watch smiles light up a room!

Related Site

-Wedding Magnets

-Wedding Website

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Get a Fred Party Pack at including your chance to be in a Fred video, a special Fred T-shirt, Who's Ready to Party Album, It's Hackin' Christmas with Fred CD and Fred poster.

Fred's music video for his original Christmas song, Christmas Cash! Available at iTunes.
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Title: MW2 Rush 'Revolutions' Community Montage

This is the third rush to be released, with amazing gameplay from players all over the world, and on all consoles.

Yes there will be another community montage, (name to be decided), so send in your clips. NO AVI FILES. Filefront link (preffered). via Youtube msg, with the subject as Rush 4 clips, including your gamertag and what the clip is :)

PS3Comedy is an old name, we have moved on from comedy, as we don't want to make a new channel and loose all subscribers, so pleasedon't complain about it, and enjoy this video.

Enjoy & Watch in HD


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