Seattle, Washington
I left Mark and Donna's wedding ceremony on May 2nd with a happy bounce in my step. It brought me great joy to know a couple so incredibly suited to one another and to create and deliver a ceremony that was truly about the two of them and their closest family and friends.
Mark and Donna worked to create a ceremony that celebrated their "tribe" - their children, grandchildren and closest friends. We had tears, we had laughter and there was so much gratitude in the room.
Mark's son, Rob, flew up from Oregon on the morning of the wedding and returned immediately after the ceremony as his wife was expecting their child "at any moment." I got a happy email from Donna the following day letting me know she and Mark were thrilled Grandparents once again!
Photographer Craig Larsen exquisitely captured Mark and Donna during their ceremony and on the "roof" of Court In the Square. I absolutely insist that every couple I marry at Court in the Square take a "roof top photo" - such a delicious memento immediately following a ceremony!
Craig Larsen:
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