The Blue Ribbon Cooking School Hosts Sean and Dawn's Wedding Ceremony ~ February 2010 ~ Seattle, WA!

The Blue Ribbon Cooking School Hosts Sean and Dawn's Wedding Ceremony ~ February 2010 ~ Seattle, WA! A Quick "After The Ceremony" Smooch!
Sean & Dawn ~ February, 2010

What a treat it was for me to know Sean and Dawn Ryan and officiate their non-denominational wedding ceremony this past weekend!

Sean and Dawn held their ceremony and celebration at the Blue Ribbon Cooking School in Seattle. This is a fabulous venue for such an event and as always, Event Mangers, Vanessa and Amy, did a terrific job pulling together all details to insure a gorgeous evening for this sweet couple. And DJ Chris Graves, as always, was an absolutely "rockin' pleasure!" to work with.

Blue Ribbon Cooking Company:

DJ Chris Graves:

Related Site

-Wedding Magnets

-Wedding Website

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The Tom Raper T-shirts are finally available! Get yours here

Youtube user abcd827 proved how much of a Patriot he was today by sending Pabst this touching letter,

To whom it may concern,

As an American citizen, I'm proud to say that PBR is the most American beer on the market today. Yuengling may be America's oldest, but who graces their container with the colors of our great country? You do.

Recently I saw a Youtube video that was a commercial spoof. It featured a young man named Tom Raper. Even though his commercial would never be fit for real advertisement, I think that him and his outfit would. If you take a minute to look him up on Youtube, please consider him, because I believe that he would be a great spokesman for the brand.

A Conservative, Republican, American.

If you follow his Patriotic example and send PBR a similar message, and send us a message saying you did, we will mention your name along side other true American's in this youtube video.

You can contact PBR here,

Keep on fightin' the good fight brothers and sisters, and more importantly, KEEP ON DRINKING!


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