I don't know why I love this photo so much. Maybe because it's a "big picture" from Daniel and Amber's wedding ceremony waterside at Kiana Lodge in Poulsbo.
Maybe it is because it's also a private sort of photo - you can see what's going on but you really can't.
What did I love most about Daniel and Amber's wedding ceremony in addition to their beloved wedding dog, Charlie, who did an outstanding job as ring bearer?
I loved this couple's transparency. Danny and Amber have shared more than 9 years of loving relationship and they wear their love and devotion on their sleeves. We wove their journey of love and change into their Friday evening ceremony and each person present walked away inspired by Danny and Amber's verve for life, their quest for individual achievement and growth as a couple and just because they are so much darn fun!
Danny and Amber - much Aloha to you!
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lol hey guys. OH YEAH! for my easter present, im gonig to an awesome rock concert!! xD! woohoo! cnt wait! (yes i listen to heavy rock -.-) OMG GOT TO 55 SUBSCRIBERS TY SO MUCH! lol well heres 17 for u guys!!!
---back to the story---
they finished eating and were sitting on the porch.
Amber- so... did u tell ur mom?
Justin- no.
Amber- neither did i.
Justin- so... how do u think ur mom will take it?
Amber- well considering she went through the same thing... i think shell be ok with it. but shes changed... so i dnt know. shes a different person.
Justin- a good kind of person?
Amber- *smiling* yeah. shes awesome now.
Justin- well maybe shell understand.
Amber- i hope so. wat about urs?
Justin- honestly... i dnt know. she might freak out at first. but i think shell be ok with it.
Ambers dad got home. he walked up to her.
Danny- Amber, i need to talk to u about the baby thing.
Amber- yes dad.
she walked away with him inside the house. Justin went to walk with them.
Danny- no. just Amber.
he sat back down.
he got a little nervous.
Amber- ok dad wat do u want to talk about?
Danny- ive been thinking.
Amber- ...and?
Danny- u need-
Amber- need wat? help!?
Danny- no.
Amber- then wat!?
Danny- u need to get rid of that thing!
he pointed to her stomach.
Amber- wat!?
Danny- u heard me Amber.
Amber- no!
Danny- u will.
Amber- no im not!
Danny- u do as i say wen i say it!
Amber- well. this time its different.
she went to walk away.
Danny- dnt u dare walk away from me young lady!
Amber- *she shook her head in disgust* too late.
he grabbed her wrist.
Danny- listen here god damn it! u will do as i say without a fight!
Amber- well we're already fighting.
he grabbed her wrist tighter.
Danny- get rid of that thing!
Amber- *pulling away* why should i!?
Danny- because i said so!
Amber- not good enough!
Danny- having a baby young is nothing but a huge mistake!
Amber- *crying* so.... im a mistake...?
he said nothing but glared at her.
she pulled free and ran.
she ran away into her room. she grabbed her suitcase and packed it. she grabbed her phone and walked outside ignoring her father.
Justin- *jumping up* Amber, wats wrong?
Amber- he wants me to get rid of it.
Justin- wat!?
Amber- yeah he said having a baby young is a huge mistake.
she started crying again.
Justin- Amber ur not a mistake! and neither is ours.
he hugged her.
Amber- *whispering* i need to get away from here.
Justin- where r u going to go?
Amber- i dnt know. but away.
Justin- maybe u can stay with me.
Amber- *shaking her head* no. i can just call me mom.
Justin- shes not too far away from me is she?
Amber- no. shes a couple minutes away i think.
Justin- ok good. its fine u can call her, i just dnt want u too far away.
Amber- *smiles* ill never be far away.
Justin- *hugs her* good.
Amber- want me to call my mom? i want to get away from my fucktard of a dad as fast as i can.
Justin- *laughing* yeah call her.
she opened her phone and called her mom. she was still sniffling.
Amber- hey mom.
Carry- hi sweetie! wats up?
Amber- um.... i dnt know how to tell u this...
Carry- wat is it? u can tell me anything.
Amber- well... um mom... im pregnant....
Carry- .......
haha bad cliffhanger right!?! xD. omg im so siked! cnt wait for the concert! hell yeah, papa roach, evan blue, and more! lol well enough about my awesome present! lol jk guys. well leave me feedback! TY much!
Daniel and Amber's Wedding - 30th May 2009. Poor quality due to no proper zoom function on camera.
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