It was truly an honor for me to create and deliver Brian and Marjan's Inter-Faith wedding ceremony at The Ranier Club. Brian and Marjan live in New York City and took a leap of faith on the "marrying lady" in Seattle sight unseen! We worked together via email and phone to create and craft a beautiful ceremony that wove together the traditions and rituals from Marjan's Persian Heritage and Brian's Jewish Heritage.
Jen and Jody from captured the true essence of this beautiful couple with lasting photo memories.
Brian and Marjan - "may your love be as difficult to break as it would be to put back together the pieces of this glass!" Mazel Tov!
Related Site
-Wedding Magnets
-Wedding Website
Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.
Dit is de openingsdans van Doo Wop, de schoolmusical van het Elde College in 2009. Gefilmd tijdens het indansen voor de laatste voorstelling (zondag 22 maart). Het nummer is 'Nicest kids in town' uit Hairspray, in de musical is er een andere tekst op de muziek gezet.
Choreografie door: Joske Meijs en Marjan Duijkers
Dansers: Jessica Schellekens, Lauren Delpeut, Bo Schakenraad, Irmy Keetels, Iris Pennings, Evie Marinus, Romy Smits, Demi Lathouwers, Liza van Galen, Kim Dang, Maxime van den Oetelaar, Sasha van den Berg, Tanja van der Heijden, Adelin de los Santos, Chaline Drost, Evelyn de los Santos, Wenny Kuijpers, Vincent de los Santos, Brian Evers, Lesley van Schijndel en Charlotte Nicodem
جنایات کانادائی ها برای جهانیان از روزی آشکار شد که در سال ۱۳۶۹ سرگُرد نُورحقیقی به سازمان ملل مُتحد اطلاع داد و سپس با سایت ها و ویدئوها آنها را یکی بعد از دیگری بر ملا ساخت. این ویدیو شمار ه ۲ از توطئه تورنتو را بر ضد نیویورک نّشان میدهد قبل از ۹۱۱ ِنیویورک خوشحال وثروتمند بود و تورنتو فقیر وکثیف ؛ امّا توطئه باعث شد صدها شرکت بزرگ به تورنتو منتقل شود
This is part 2 of serial videos titled "Canada Sucks" showing Iranian rich community in New Your before 911 & very Poor Canadian living with Bedbugs & Toxic Mold in dirty Toronto Condominium 935 at 456 College Street; Apt # 608
Director & Editor in Cheaf: Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
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