Tacoma Museum of Glass 5.24.08
photo by: the marvelous Cheryl Jones www.inaframe.com
One of my frequent questions from a couple is simple and upfront: "How long is a wedding ceremony?"
Yes, the length of a ceremony is important. If it's too short, it feels "weird." And if it's too long, it can make a couple feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
For me, length is about "how a ceremony" feels - not only to the couple but to family and friends. If a ceremony is well-written and well crafted, it will go by very quickly. You know that feeling you get when you're seeing a really good movie and you can't believe it's over? That kind of feeling.
And to answer this question: ceremony length depends on the specific couple as every situation is unique. And most often for me, a wedding ceremony ranges from 18-28 minutes in length.
Related Site
-Wedding Magnets
-Wedding Website
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