The Marvelous Mayflower Park Hotel and James and Elaine's Wedding Ceremony...

The Marvelous Mayflower Park Hotel and James and Elaine's Wedding Ceremony...James and Elaine Booth
April 25, 2009, Alexis Hotel

James and Elaine were married at the marvelous Mayflower Park hotel in late April in downtown Seattle. Married in the upper level foyer of the hotel's lobby near the fireplace, James and Elaine's wedding ceremony was a mix of the traditional, the contemporary and with a bit of fun. And let's not forget the "fire truck" and the photos on the truck truck immediately following their ceremony (James is one of those handsome firemen!).
If you looking for a unique and history filled venue for your ceremony and celebration, consider the Mayflower Park Hotel. The staff is amazing and don't get me started on the food!

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Back in the 60s, shortly before the Mayflower, I was involved in Intelligence Research and found that the individual IQ could be elevated from an average of 102 to 140 give or take within 90 days. The method I applied was the managed exposure to challenging information. Following Google and YouTube I repeatedly pointed to the significant increase of available data that improves the playground for the human Intelligence by its mere presence.
--- Dr. Thomas Malone of MITs Center for Collective Intelligence defined the concept of collective intelligence as doing things collectively that seem intelligent. I would add to that the collective ability to solve problems. Of course there are caveats. Dr. Malone points to the fact that collective intelligence is just as real as collective stupidity. --- Interesting concept. Lets take the rear view mirror and look at the last eight years. The caveat I mentioned is that leaders with a certain degree of intellectual inflexibility use fear to keep the collective from demanding action, or for that matter even questioning the ability to lead. By the way, that does not only apply to leaders, it applies as well to Senators, as you experienced. --- The human brain itself is the most marvelous thing imaginable to the analyst. Now take the collective brain. And then go one step further and imagine that the AVERAGE IQ is raised to 140 not at all impossible as I showed in the 60s. But then it would take a leader who concentrates on the advancement of mankind. Think about it. Just think about the potential to solve the collective problems we face!

Title: Gloria Feldt on Margaret Sanger: Brooklyn Museum

In honor of the birthday of Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, feminist writer and commentator Gloria Feldt discusses Sanger's life and work, the history of the birth-control movement, the role that birth control plays in women's equality and empowerment, and what activists today can learn about leadership from Sanger's organizing. This event took place at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art on September 13, 2009. Video courtesy Elizabeth A. Sackler Foundation.


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