Planning Your Seattle Wedding Ceremony? Three Quick Tips To "Remember More..."

Planning Your Seattle Wedding Ceremony?  Three Quick Tips To "Remember More..."A funny thing may happen to a bride or groom on the way down the aisle ~ or when a wedding ceremony ceremony anesthesia!


A wedding ceremony is a big emotional event. Knowing this, I often write for "moments" as moments and the "feeling" of a ceremony are what a couple and their family and friends will remember in the coming years, not the actual words.

As you plan your ceremony, here are three quick tips to "remember more..."

1) Slow Things Down. Elegant humor in the first minute or two of a ceremony relaxes everyone and "grounds a couple" to remember more of their ceremony... Memo and Kristin (in the photo above) are a great example of this. They mixed the sacred with elegant humor and created great ceremony memories for their wedding day at Shilshole Bay Beach Club.

2) Don't Over Practice. Rehearsals are terrific and at the same time, spontaneous moments create lifetime memories that "planning tactics" can't replicate.

3) "Focus On Each Other" ~ I encourage a couple to "focus on the other" during the ceremony - and by doing so, the rest of the world hopefully fades away a bit.

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I hope this helps.



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