The Secrets to a Successful First Date by J Simkhai

Which would be more intimidating to you, taking someone out on a first date or giving a speech in a public environment? Ok. Obviously the answer is giving a public speech but you would be very surprised to learn how many people get nervous about a first date. I know a few people who choose not to date just because of having to go on that first one.

Dating isn’t as hard as some say. It’s definitely not what you see on TV where one person is a babbling idiot and the other is neurotic. Life isn’t like Sex and the City. Sorry. Dating is actually fun. Remember, the person you’re meeting on the other side of that door is will also be going on a first date too and probably is just as nervous as you.

Well, I’m here to help. I went through all of the dating expert articles in some of the leading magazines on the subject such as Cosmopolitan for the women and Maxim Magazine for the men and put together this list of first date tips. You don’t need to follow every single one to the dot but keep some of them in mind.

Make a Backup Plan –
The weather can change unexpectedly, restaurants can close from electrical problems, or you can lose those Red Sox tickets. Make a backup plan just in case your date plans take an unexpected turn.

Plan a Short Date - No need to plan out the rest of your lives together. Start with a simple, one or two hour date. If things go well, you can always keep the date going. However, there's nothing worse than having planned on an all-day event after you realize five minutes into the date that you have nothing in common with the other person.

Be Punctual - There's no greater sign of disrespect than being late for your first date. Get directions to your location, arrive early, and show your date that you care about them and the plans you made together. Consider it like a job interview. If you work hard enough, you’ll be paid extra at the end of the date.

Agree on a Dress Code -
When planning the date, talk about what you’ll be wearing. Nothing is more embarrassing if one person shows up in a suit while the other wears jeans and a sweatshirt.

Compliment, But Don't Over Do It -
A few nice words makes everyone feel good, but persistent comments about the other person's looks, personality, body, etc., gets old and can seem desperate and sometimes creepy.

Drink Responsibly - A few drinks may take the pressure off the date, but don't act like you're reliving your old frat days. Drinking too much will likely bring out some bad sides to your personality and that WON’T help your chances of a second date.

Balance Talking and Listening - Pay attention to the amount of time you spend talking versus listening. If the scale is weighing in either direction, look to balance it out. Try not to dominate the conversation with stories about yourself, either.

Now that you got your date and you’ve planned out everything to the exact detail, you’re going to need somewhere fun to go. Here is a list of some of the things you can do together:

Play some mini golf
Visit a carnival or fair
Go disco bowling
Watch the sunrise or sunset together
Go to a comedy club
Visit a museum
Plan a picnic in the park
Go sightseeing in your own city
Attend a sporting event such as a baseball game
Rent canoes or a paddle boat and row around the nearest lake
Take a cooking or pottery class together
Go to the zoo
Play a board game such as Trivial Pursuit
Bake cookies together. Chocolate chip is a personal fave
Drive to a nearby town you have never visited before

Joel Simkhai has published numerous articles on a wide range of topics related to magazine journalism. He is currently the owner of a company that provides cheap magazines, and focuses on customer satisfaction. Visit them at

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