Men- Do Not Make These 4 Dangerous Dating Mistakes

By: Scott Patterson

Dating can be tough on many guys!

This is especially true when it comes to attracting women. The problem is guys tend to make many mistakes that they're not even aware of.

For instance, I was recently at a bar where I noticed a guy talking to an attractive woman. What's interesting was this guy was giving off confident body language, while not being aware that she was not interested in him. In essence, he was clueless about his ability to "pick-up this chick".

You could easily tell from the bored look in her eye, that she was looking for an opportunity to get away from this loser.

What's funny was he was actually a decent looking, well dressed guy. So obviously his problem wasn't his presentation. Instead he was doing a few things which were instantly turning her off and killing ANY chance of attraction

If he knew about these mistakes, and corrected them, he could have easily attracted this woman.

Now if you want to NOT be like this man, then I recommend you take a close look at these 4 MAJOR dating mistakes:

Dating Mistake #1- Not reading her body language

You can discover what a woman is feeling by observing her body language. Without saying a word, a woman will tell you when she's attracted or when she's repulsed.

Your job is to study her body language and calibrate. For instance if you see a bored look in her eye, then you know that you have to switch tactics and change the topic of conversation.

Dating Mistake #2-Buying her affections with free drinks

One of the quickest ways to show lower status is to buy a woman a drink. Let me explain...

When you buy a woman many drinks, you're showing that you need to purchase her attention in order to start a conversation. While sometimes it's polite to buy a round, don't try to please her by constantly buying her drinks.

What's interesting is lots of other guys are great for making women drunk, but they're doing nothing to attract them. By buying drinks, they're simply making it easier for some other guy approach and pick them up.

Dating Mistake #3- Acting too arrogant

One of the principles I recommend in my ebook is to act in an overconfident manner. But even though this personality trait is important, you should realize that acting TOO arrogant is just as bad.

While women love men with a good amount of confidence, having too much is an instant turn off. This means if you're dominating the conversation and bragging about your accomplishments, you're demonstrating a specific type of behavior which infuriates women.

In order to impress a woman, all you need to do is display confidence through your actions and body language. If give off a confident aura, you don't have to open your mouth to prove it.

Dating Mistake #4-Being a clown

Well know that many women are attracted to guys "with a sense of humor". However it's a mistake to act like a clown and try to do funny things around women. While it's important to be funny, it's equally vital to never look like a fool.

Being funny does nothing for building attraction.

Instead of trying to make her laugh, try using a technique which is known as "cocky/funny". This personality trait means focusing on teasing a woman with a bit of mock arrogance. Basically you're a funny guy who likes to bust a woman's chops about various things.

By being able to identify all of four of these dating mistakes, you'll be able increase your overall success with women. So your job is to quickly identify these mistakes and make a concerted effort to eradicate them!

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Want to learn 50 different ways to meet, approach and attract women? If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's Free eBook which provides 50 tips for approaching, attracting, and dating ANY woman.


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