Planning Your 2009 Wedding - A Few Tips From "Behind The Scenes..."

Planning Your 2009 Wedding - A Few Tips From "Behind The Scenes..."Love Those Smiles! Derrick & Liz
August, 2008 ~ Ed Hume Seeds Company

As I meet with couples this month and throughout the Fall for 2009, I'd like to share a few tips for your ceremony that will help you save money:

- Plan Your Ceremony For Mid-Day and Enjoy Brunch or Lunch: You'll save money by getting married in the late morning or early afternoon - enjoy a celebration lunch or brunch instead of a more formal or lavish dinner.

- Plan a Weekday Wedding, i.e., Monday-Friday: That's right! More of my couples are getting married on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening and save on all vendor categories. In addition, these couples are getting a significant discount from their venue/reception site for booking space that "is just sitting there."

- Stay "Local" - You'll save money by staying "local" and will avoid some of the hidden expenses of destination weddings, i.e., more hotel nights, transportation expenses for vendors, etc.

Related Site

-Wedding Magnets

-Wedding Website

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

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My plan goes with Griff. Cuz zombies will freeze then you can smash them to little pieces.

Title: 1 of 3: The Purpose, Planning and Packing your Bug-Out-Bag 1/3

The Purpose, Planning and Packing your Bug-Out-Bag 1/3

This video series goes over information concerning the 'Bug-Out-Bag'. For those just starting out this will give you a good idea on the basics of building your own BOB.

the Bug-Out-Bag

Survival Kit

Ten Essentials

BOBs are not new but are gaining popularity as ppl understand that they need to be responsible for the safety of themselves and their family members. Lots of info on BOBs can be found on the internet but you need to build your BOB for you, your location and the possible emergencies you might face. Many ppl cannot spend lots of money on their BOB, so the information here is geared toward those who dont have a lot of money &/or those who are just beginning to gather information on what a BOB is and how it is to be used in conjunction with various survival skills. You can have the most expensive and high tech BOB but if you cannot use the items to survival (IOW you have little or no skills) then your BOB is worthless.

A BOB is not just a bag of stuff, but tool to help you survive in an emergency. The greatest tool you have is you and your abilities to evaluate your situation, build a BOB and practice using it so your confident in your abilities and equipment. Remember this is just an introductory look and not an all inclusive video series.

I hope this helps.



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