Writing Your Wedding Vows. For most engaged couples that I work with, this often comes with a kaleidoscope of feeling: trepidation, excitement, unknowing, intimdation, exciting challenge and so much more.
I often work with couples to write their vows. And there are many ways to do this. You may write your own vows with my assistance. You may write your own vows and send them to me separately and share as a "surprise" during your ceremony. Or perhaps you'd like me to write a personalized set of vows for the two of you that are alike or most likely, very different.
Either way, as a Celebrant and Officiant, I've witnessed many wonderful vow exchanges. And here is what is true: if your vows are heartfelt, poignant, from your heart and "real," all is good.
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Title: How to get writing under your PSN/Comment - Commentary (Hacked Comment)
this is ma first commentary so dont be harsh plz :) i thought u guyz might wanna kno this so yeah.. :D
i will probz start recordin for a minitage soon.. and if all goes well in the minitage i might make a montage! :D PEAAACE!
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